September 15, 2021

Pertandingan Menulis Literasi Kewangan MyMalaysia, anjuran bersama oleh Yayasan Prihation Nasional, Gabungan Perniagaan Persekutuan Malaysia (FMBA), Persatuan Literasi Pendidikan Kewangan Malaysia (MyLIFE), Money Compass Media (M) Sdn. Bhd., Celik Wang dan uLearnMONEY. Terbuka kepada : Pelajar sekolah Menengah dan IPT Tarikh Akhir : 25 September 2021, 6PM. Garis Panduan Penyerahan:Continue Reading

Organize in conjuction with MyMalaysia Week by Yayasan Prihation Nasional, Federation of Malaysia Business Associations (FMBA), Max Capital Management, Money Compass Media (M) Sdn. Bhd. and uLearnMONEY. The students are required to provide their information that will be needed to organize the event for MyMalaysia Week. *The drawing competition isContinue Reading

ONLY to children from age 3-6 years old. Organize in conjuction with MyMalaysia Week by Yayasan Prihation Nasional, Federation of Malaysia Business Associations (FMBA), Max Capital Management, Money Compass Media (M) Sdn. Bhd. and uLearnMONEY. The students are required to provide their information that will be needed to organize theContinue Reading

In conjunction with Malaysia day, Yayasan Prihation Nasional, Malaysia Literacy in Financial Education Association (MyLIFE), Federation of Malaysia Business Associations (FMBA) and uLearnMONEY are delighted to announce that the Keluarga Malaysia 2021 will be organized from 14 to 30 September 2021 Want to become more financially educated especially in theseContinue Reading