ONLY to children from age 3-6 years old.
Organize in conjuction with MyMalaysia Week by Yayasan Prihation Nasional, Federation of Malaysia Business Associations (FMBA), Max Capital Management, Money Compass Media (M) Sdn. Bhd. and uLearnMONEY.
The students are required to provide their information that will be needed to organize the event for MyMalaysia Week.
*The drawing competition is open ONLY to children from age 3-6 years old for Kindergarten category.*

Do not hesitate to contact Mathi (Mathi.moneycompass@gmail.com/ 01111492682) or Mandy (mandy.moneycompass@gmail.com/ 0124630231) for any inquiries on event support
Thank you and all the best !
To join need to register and download the drawing by teacher / parents :