May 28, 2023

Ahad, 28 Mei 2023, jam 9:00 malam Astro Kuiz 2023 – Siri 1Sesi 2: Ahad, 28 Mei 2023, jam 9:00 malam ini. Adakah anda sudah bersedia? Astro Kuiz kembali lagi bersempena dengan Sambutan Minggu Minggu Sains Negara 2023 dan Hari Cahaya Antarabangsa. Kuiz ini akan diadakan sebanyak 2 sesi iaituContinue Reading

If you are a tertiary student under 30 – join the Climate Communication Challenge and be a champion for our planet! This is your chance to showcase your creativity and create a positive impact on our planet through your digital content. Find out more here: Reach out to :Continue Reading