Program Insentif BSN – Peraduan Dalam Talian Lihat dan Cari membuka peluang untuk adik-adik memenangi hadiah utama dengan hanya mencari 5 perbezaan dalam gambar tertera.
Tarikh peraduan: 20 April 2023 – 10 Mei 2023
Student Malaysian Citizen: All primary dan secondary students in Malaysia including government and private schools Participants must be a BSN savings account holder under the BSN Smart Junior (BSJ) scheme or BSN Skim Galakan Simpanan Pelajar (BSN SGSP) Aged between seven (7) years to twenty (20) years for BSJ scheme and aged between seven (7) years to seventeen (17) years for BSN SGSP |
Benefit as BSN School Ambassador (BSA)
- Able to join the various programs/activities organized by BSN under the BSJ Incentive Program.
- Eligible to receive reward points through the BSJ Incentive Program.
- Stand a chance to win cash reward Incentive through BSJ Incentive Program.
Tertakluk pada terma dan syarat.
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