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FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific conducts AMR Story Challenge Contest! that encourage people in Asia and the Pacific to share a video about their personal story on the impact of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) or their advocacies to prevent and control the emergence and spread of AMR.

How to participate?
1. You must be on Twitter or Facebook with a public profile (unprotected tweets or public posts)
2. Create a short video where you describe your AMR Story. The video must:
a. Last between 15 seconds and 2 minutes and 20 seconds.
b. Be in English or with English subtitles.
3. Post your short video on Twitter or Facebook usingΒ #AMRStoryChallenge

If you wonder what could be your AMR story, you may ask yourself some of the below questions:
– Have you already encountered a situation where an animal was infected by an antimicrobial-resistant bacterium?
– Do you do anything, in your routine practice, to prevent bacterial infections in animals, so that fewer antimicrobials get used?
– Do you do anything to use antimicrobials more responsibly? With funding support from
– Do you have success stories to share? For example, if you are a farmer who succeeded in reducing antimicrobial use thanks to stronger biosecurity, this is a very interesting success story.

If you have any question about the contest please email to

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