Let your Creativity Shine! Open to all Primary & Secondary School Students !!!

TikTok Challenge:

*Open to all schools:
Category 1: Primary School Students
Category 2: Secondary School Students

Participation: INDIVIDUAL or GROUP (3 people per group) to create a video on β€˜Palm Oil Sustainability’ of less than 4 minutes.

TikTok Themes:
1. Food Security
2. Socio-economic
3. Environment

Details of the program:
Click here to register for the TikTok Challenge:Β 

Video Submission Deadline: 21 November 2022

Primary & Secondary school:

2 x First Prize: RM 2000 + e-Certificate of Achievement
2 x Second Prize: RM 1500 + e-Certificate of Achievement
2 x Third Prize: RM 1000 + e-Certificate of Achievement
6 x Consolation Prize: RM 500 + e-Certificate of Achievement
2 x Award for Best Video: RM 500 + e-Certificate of Achievement

Organized by ARPOS, RCE Penang, CGSS and supported by the Malaysian Palm Council (MPOC)

For enquiries, please contact:
Ms. Mira: (wansharipahmira@usm.my)
Ms. Wana: (syazwana@usm.my)
Contact no : +604-653 6650

ARPOS Network Centre for Global Sustainability Studies

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