FOR Primary (age 7-12) or Secondary (age 13-17)

Alam Flora Waste is Amazing: Upcycling Competition is Back! Join now and stand a chance to WIN Nintendo Switch OLED and other attractive prizes worth RM2,400 in total!

Contest duration from 1st – 18th August 2022.

How to join?

1. Identify which category that is suitable for you either Primary (age 7-12) or Secondary (age 13-17)

2. Use your own creativity to create your own up-cycling project using these items: plastic, paper & aluminium cans.

3. Once done, upload the video on your social media account and tag @alamflorasdnbhd

4. Don’t forget to use #jomrawatbumi#sustainability#beyondwastemanagement#wasteisamazingupcycling

5. Submit your application for the competition to this link

6. 5 finalists from each category will be invited to FIKS, Putrajaya on 25th August 2022, for the final presentation.

7. Remember the theme for this project must be related to ‘Jalur Gemilang Flag’ colors. Therefore your project must include red, white, blue and yellow colors!

What are you waiting for? Come join us now!


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