The contest is open to all nationals of ASEAN Member States and Japan.

The year 2023 marks the 50th commemorative year of ASEAN-Japan relations. Since its start in 1973, ASEAN-Japan relations have made remarkable progress. People to people exchanges between ASEAN and Japan has been the foundation of close partnership between ASEAN and Japan which is often called “heart to heart” relations. The Governments of ASEAN Member States and Japan will celebrate the 50th Year of ASEAN-Japan Friendship and Cooperation with various commemorative events and exchange programs in 2023 and also encourage their citizens to join the celebration of this milestone. For this purpose, the Governments of ASEAN Member States and Japan, in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN-Japan Centre, publicly invite ideas from their citizens for a logo design and a catchphrase which reflect the 50 years of friendship and cooperation and jointly organize a contest with the following details.


• A logo design should reflect 50 years of friendship and cooperation between ASEAN and Japan. The logo design also needs to be suitable for usage on promotional items and media. • Color: The logo is to be submitted both in color and black-and-white on white background. No limit in color or gradation. • Image format: JPEG, GIF, Illustrator and Photoshop are acceptable. File size is restricted up to 3MB. Resolution needs at least 300dpi (fit to vertical A4 size). (Note) The image format is subject to be changed, depending on the software compatibility. • Each contestant shall submit only one entry and multiple entries from the same contestant will not be considered. • Entries will not be returned.


• The catchphrase should reflect 50 years of friendship and cooperation between ASEAN and Japan. The catchphrase should be concise and suitable for usage on advertisements and social media. • Language: English and/or Japanese. (Note: All the shortlisted catchphrase submitted in Japanese will be translated into English by AJC/MOFA of Japan, and only English version will be considered at the final selection) (Note) The winning entries will be translated into Japanese, and may be translated into the languages of ASEAN Member States. • Each contestant shall submit only one entry and multiple entries from the same contestant will not be considered. • Entries will not be returned.

For this purpose, the Governments of ASEAN Member States and Japan, in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN-Japan Centre, publicly invite ideas from their citizens for a logo design and a catchphrase which reflect the 50 years of friendship and cooperation and jointly organize a contest with the following details (See the application Guideline.)

The contest will start receiving applications from 1 April 2022 to 15 June 2022.

Interested participants may wish to visit: for more details.

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